Conservatives in north Oxfordshire have elected their new leader as the party's vision to regain control has been branded a "pipe dream" and "quite comical" by critics.

Former Cherwell District Council Conservative head Barry Wood is voluntarily stepping down from his position after the party lost nine seats in the local elections earlier this month.

He will be replaced by Eddie Reeves who is also current Conservative leader on the county council.

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Speaking after the announcement, Mr Reeves said: "I want to regain control of the council as quickly as possible.

Oxford Mail: Eddie Reeves.Eddie Reeves. (Image: Oxfordshire County Council.)

"The first opportunity we'll have to do that is 2026.

"I think it's important that Conservatives locally return to old fashioned grassroots politics - that we get ourselves into our communities and not worry about the national political weather because ultimately that is beyond our control."

Ian Middleton, who is leader of the Green party on Cherwell District Council, has responded to Mr Reeve's comments calling them a "pipe dream" and saying claims about a focus on local politics are "disingenuous".

The Kidlington ward representative added: "It sounds a bit unrealistic.

Oxford Mail: Ian Middleton.Ian Middleton. (Image: Ed Nix.)

"I'm all for ambition but the fact they were absolutely destroyed at local elections would suggest the chances of them regaining control of the council within the next several years would be quite unlikely.

"It is also quite comical the Conservatives are trying to distance themselves from the party nationally.

"They campaign and fundraise for the national party."

Mr Middleton added he thought the Green party "excels in focussing on local issues".

Responding to the criticism, Mr Reeves said: "Local councillors are invariably linked to their national parties however the best thing you can do is campaign on issues that matter to residents.

"I would rather stand on a Conservative record nationally than a green record - their policies nationally are nothing short of a disgrace.

Oxford Mail: Cherwell District Council.Cherwell District Council. (Image: CDC.)

"Our aim is to gain back control. The best way to do that is not focus on national issues but local ones.

"Ian Middleton cannot see into the future."

The discussion comes following news the Liberal Democrats had become the largest party on the council.

The results mean the Liberal Democrats now have 17 seats (+7), Conservatives have 11 (-9), Labour have 13 (+1), the Green party have 4 (+1) and the Independents have three (0).

Leader of the Liberal Democrats on Cherwell District Council, David Hingley, said at the time it had been an "absolutely fantastic" set of results.

Mr Reeves added: "We had a very well respected and well-liked leader in Barry – he felt that he wanted to take a bit more of a step back and look after his local residents and his ward and just focus on being a good old fashioned community councillor."